10 Ways to Boost Your Work Energy - Blog - Macedonian Honey

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10 Ways to Boost Your Work Energy

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 11/1/2016 14:59:00
Tags: energybreakfastgreenteamusicwalking

Feeling rundown and foggy on the job? It’s time for a break to refresh and boost your energy. We suggest 10 ways to help you trough your day at work:

  1. Have a small breakfast to kick-start your metabolism. Even something as simple as cereals will help you stay energized—protein and calcium are key.
  2. Before you launch into your inbox, take a minute or two—five, even—to collect yourself and your papers. Sort through what's essential and recycle everything that's not.
  3. Go for green tea. It has the highest levels of antioxidants -- like EGCG -- that might support health, possibly lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. It’s also got caffeine, but not too much.
  4. Try to take a 20-minute walk after lunch to boost your levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, all of which will give you more energy when you return to work.
  5. Laugh. Does laughing have health benefits? It might, although the evidence isn’t clear yet. Either way, there’s no denying that laughing can make you feel better. So during your 10-minute break, deliberately seek out something that you know will make you laugh -- watching a few clips on YouTube.
  6. Have some HONEYSTICK. Honey is itself a mild stimulant, and it has lots of other possible health benefits too – from boosting memory to lowering cardiovascular risks.
  7. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Look at something 20 feet away from your monitor for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  8. Stretch yourself. Feeling stiff after sitting at your desk all day? “Stretching helps fatigued muscles that have been stuck in one position.
  9. Breathe deeply. Deep breathing can relieve stress when you’re feeling burned out. Inhale through the nose while you count to four. Hold your breath while you count to seven. Then exhale deeply through the mouth, counting to eight. Repeat the cycle.
  10. Listen to music. The right music can really change your mood, and doing some prep work can help. Come up with a list of the songs that always seem to psych you up, and then make a mix or playlist of three on your computer or MP3 player.

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