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Bak Kwa a must have snack for Chinese New Year

Published by in 06. Cooking Ideas · 15/2/2018 10:33:00
Tags: chinesenewyear;bakkwa;honey;festive;chinese;recipe;snack;肉干

Bakkwa,肉干, commonly known as BBQ meat, is a food tradition from Southern China. Thin slices of meat are marinated with sugar, honey and spices, air-dried and smoked. The smoked meat is left to cool and wrapped in layers of waxed paper.

In the past, Bakkwa was considered a luxury good and most families bought it during festive seasons like the Chinese New Year.

Make your own using just a few simple ingredients:
  • 2lb ground pork
  • 2tbsp soy sauce
  • 2tbsp fish sauce
  • 2tbsp dark soy sauce
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2tbsp sugar
  • 1tbsp cooking wine
  • 4 Honeysticks (2tbsp honey)
  • 1tsp five-spice powder
  • ½ tsp freshly ground pepper
  • Cayenne pepper powder to your own taste (optional)
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp cooking wine

In a mixing bowl, combine the ground pork and marinade ingredients
Mix with a spoon or by hand until the pork turns into a paste. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour
Preheat the oven at 375 F. Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Put a few spoons of pork on a sheet of parchment paper then cover the put plastic wrap
Gently run a rolling pin over the wrap to flatten the pork and form a thin layer of pork. Prepare the basting glaze by mixing the honey with cooking wine
Bake the pork for about 12 minutes on each side. Carefully flip it once in between
Coat the pork with the honey glaze on both sides. Bake at 400 F for 5 minutes each side. Repeat this step one more time
Cool down the pork jerky on cooling rack. Cut into bite size

Enjoy (好胃口)

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