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7 Easy DIY Tricks for Mountain Biking in the Rain

Published by in 02. Cycling · 6/9/2016 11:13:00
Tags: cyclingmountainbikerainhackseasymudhelmet

You wanna go outdoor with your bike, but it’s raining. Don’t worry, you can make your bike ready for this weather in a minute. A guy from Global Mountain Bike Network explain 7 hacks for your mountain bike:

1. Water proof your shoes
2. Extend your helmet peak
3. Demist your glasses
4. Use a silicon spray
5. Make a mud guards
6. Layer up your body
7. Layer up your hands

You can watch instruction video here 

One day hiking? Don’t forget these essentials at home

Published by in 03. Hiking · 4/12/2015 11:01:00
Tags: hikingessentialsprotectionsunadventurerainfirstaidnutrition
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