Summer is a time for outdoor activities. Hiking is perfect to cool off in these hot summer days. Hiking is an incredible way to reduce stress or lose weight or just enjoy in beautiful nature. Assuming you haven’t been leading a totally sedentary life, you can follow a few basic steps and begin hiking right away.
And if you’re looking for some motivation to get off the couch and onto the trail, consider these reasons to start hiking:
1. It’s healthy
According to the American Hiking Society, hiking delivers a remarkable range of health benefits with comparatively few risks. By using hiking as a way to stay physically active, you can potentially lose weight, reduce heart disease, decrease hypertension, and slow the aging process. It also offers mental health benefits by reducing stress and anxiety and increasing your self-confidence and positive thoughts. Hiking is good for your social life by making new friendship and meet new people.
2. It’s simple
As you hike more frequently, you’ll begin to develop additional stamina, skills, and comfort on the trail. The beauty of hiking is that unlike, say, land luge, it's an extension of something we all do naturally and every day. It’s easy to stick with hiking because the frustration level for beginners is low and you can control the intensity of your workout and find the pace that works for you.
3. It’s cheap
Compared to just about any other sport, your upfront spending for hiking essentials is minimal. Good boots, a few pieces of the proper clothing, a comfortable pack, and you’re pretty much ready to go. As you get more into hiking, maybe you will decide to try a hiking vacation halfway around the world. But most of us have easy access to parks and natural areas with trails, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or time) to head out on a hike.
4. It’s real
We all spend too much time on computers and indoors under fluorescent lights. Or watching TV. Hiking encourages you to step away from your desk and step back out into nature. It’s a chance to experience the world directly and without a filter, and to rediscover the rhythms of the day and the seasons. Here is a link with beautiful photos from Macedonian mountains:
5. It’s forever
As much as hiking is a great way to introduce kids to the world of the outdoors, it’s also a sport that they’ll be able to enjoy their whole lives. So can you. A lot of activities and sports have limited life spans for participants, either because of injuries or logistical challenges. But because hiking is low impact and you can anticipate and control the intensity and duration of your workout, it’s something that you can keep doing long after your rugby days are finished. As you get older, you may not get up a mountain as quickly. Or cover 20 miles in a day. But in many ways, you’ll be a better hiker. Your understanding of the environment will improve and you’ll pick up more details and nuance along the trail.
We recommend to take a honey with you, which will boost your energy that your body need to perform this activity.
Honeystick is an ideal partner for your adventures, you can take everywhere and anywhere with you, it doesn’t take a lot of space in your backpack and cannot stick your stuff.