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7 Ideas for Valentine’s Day in Outdoors

Published by Macedonian Honey in 05. Lifestyle · 29/1/2016 10:42:00
Tags: lovecoupleValentineromancehikingMoonskiingbikecampingwaterfallriver

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away. Not sure how to spend Valentine’s Day? Maybe you don’t have plans yet.
This Valentine’s day it’s time to try something a little different. Instead of the typical dinner/movie combo, a trek through the great outdoors could add an interesting twist to this holiday.
Surprise your loved one with a unique excursion outdoors, and tailor the date to the activities you know you and your honey enjoy. A date outdoors can be a special treat without breaking the bank, no matter what city you live in. After all, even if you live in a snowy climate, an outdoor date gives you even more reason to cuddle with your favorite person to stay warm.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Hiking
Hiking is a happiness booster. A hike together is a great opportunity to get to know each other even better and get a little exercise. Head to the local nature center or park for a romantic hike in the woods, and don’t forget to bring a picnic blanket. Start your hike just before sunrise or sunset to savor those first or last rays of sunshine with your sweetie. Bring headlamps or flashlights, it can get dark quickly after sunset.

2. Moonlight Walk
No matter how full the moon is, ambient night light reflects off the snow and makes moonlit activities easy to do and severely romantic. So bundle up, pour yourselves some hot chocolate in a thermos to share and hit the woods together. This time of year is actually best for star gazing, since the atmosphere is usually clearer with the cold weather.Remember to bring safety precautions,read more here.

3. Skiing
Go big and plan a few days in the mountains, complete with cozy accommodations, skiing, dinners and maybe even a couples massage. It won't get more romantic than that...

4.  Go Camping
A stint in the wild can be the main ingredient in one of the most romantic getaways you've had yet. A campfire, perhaps a shared sleeping bag, cuddling to get warm, cooking breakfast and dinner, gorgeous scenery and very few distractions. Or, get really cozy and rent a cabin.

5. Chasing Waterfalls
Enhance the romance with a waterfall. Simply stated, people find waterfalls romantic due to the raw beauty and power of nature.

6. Riverside Romance
Rivers are responsible for carving out some of the most amazing features on the planet. Go with the flow down by the river for a rugged hike, rock hopping or a lovely laid-back stroll.

7.  Bike Riding
Whether you’re seriously pumping your pedals up a mountain trail or casually coasting along at the park, bike riding can give you a good workout and a chance to spend time with your honey. You could also use it as an opportunity to go somewhere you haven't been before – stop for a nice lunch, wander around a new place, and rest those legs before riding home.

No matter what kind of weather you have in winter, as long as its not subzero temperatures, an outdoor Valentine’s Day activity is one that you and your loved one can cherish for years to come
Enjoy a beautiful day of outdoor recreation and don’t forget to share a honey with your loved ones.

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