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Science Says - Sharp Your Mind With Running

Published by Macedonian Honey in 04. Running · 2/3/2016 11:33:00
Tags: sciencerunningbrainfocusresearch

Contrary to popular belief, running is a sport that requires an immense amount of mental concentration.  When participating in a marathon or race, you need to calculate exactly how much energy you have left, and determine the pace that you will have to run at through the entire race.  Keeping up a steady level and dealing with the discomfort or pain, requires intense mental focus.

What happens when we don’t apply this focus? The most important thing is that run is less efficiently and waste more energy. When running in discomfort, many of mind wanderings can be negative thoughts: how much is left in a race, or how bad a workout is hurting.

In the new study, which was published in the Journal of Physiology,researchers at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland is said that aerobic exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain structure and function, such as adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) and learning.

Why distance running was so much more potent at promoting neurogenesis than the other workouts is not clear, although Dr. Nokia and her colleagues speculate that distance running stimulates the release of a particular substance in the brain known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor that is known to regulate neurogenesis.

7 Benifits to brain due to running:

1. Generate new cells
2. Increases brain capacity and thought process as new cells are generated
3. Improves managment skills and consistency to do a work
4. Key to healthy cells
5. Most effective antidepressing activity
6. Keeps your focus and releases endorphins which keep you happy
7. Improves the oxygenated blood flow to your brain and increases its efficiency in the long run!

Strength training for 60 minutes, three times a week for 6 months can boost your short­ and long­ term memory performance and attention as you age, says a Brazilian study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
How all this is connected with HONEY?
Raw honey possesses nootropic effects, such as memory-enhancing effects, as well as neuropharmacological activities, such as anxiolytic, antinociceptive, anticonvulsant, and antidepressant activities. Research suggests that the polyphenol constituents of honey can quench biological reactive oxygen species and counter oxidative stress while restoring the cellular antioxidant defense system. Honey polyphenols are useful in improving memory deficits and can act at the molecular level. 


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