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One day hiking? Don’t forget these essentials at home

Published by in 03. Hiking · 4/12/2015 11:01:00
Tags: hikingessentialsprotectionsunadventurerainfirstaidnutrition

Whatever your reasons for hitting the great outdoors, here are some gear recommendations for when you pack for your next trip. These are really the very basics in hiking, without which a nice hiking adventure can turn bad.


Map: get a detailed paper map at nature centers or print one from park websites.
Compass: it's a good idea to carry a small compass, even one on a key chain. Do not rely on a smartphone compass app, as it will drain your battery.


Extra water, especially on warm days Consuming too little water will not only make you thirsty, but susceptible to hypothermia and altitude sickness.


Sunglasses: to prevent snow blindness 
Sun screen: to prevent sunburn
Hat: to prevent sunstroke

Jacket: temperatures can drop quickly as you reach higher altitudes and after sunset.
Extra socks: when hiking in areas with waterfalls, creeks, rivers, your socks may get wet from river crossings.


Lunch and snacks like fruits, nuts, energy bars and HONEYSTICK Personal Pack.
Extra food will help keep up energy and morale if you keep out longer than expected.


Flash light or headlamp: it may get darker sooner than you think. A flashlight or headlamp is a must-have item to see your map and where you’re walking.


Waterproof matches, butane lighters or firestarters. The warmth of a fire and a hot drink can help prevent hypothermia.


Basic first aid items include: bandages, gauze, tape, aspirin
Toilet paper: do not leave the used paper on the trail.


Items can include: knife, extra laces for shoes, duct tape for backpacks.
Knife or multi-purpose tool enable you to cut strips of cloth into bandages, remove splinters, fix broken eyeglasses, and perform a whole host of repairs on malfunctioning gear.

Emergency space blanket or large plastic trash bag: Use it as a poncho in case of rain to keep the water off your body and backpack.

Enjoy your  adventures in hiking by being safe.
Remember: The only souvenirs should be photographs and memories.

How to run in cold weather without getting sick?

Published by in 04. Running · 1/12/2015 10:41:00
Tags: runningcoldwinterhealthnutritionwaterhoney

When and what to eat and drink before, during and after a ride

Published by in 02. Cycling · 20/10/2015 10:01:00
Tags: proteinsnutritioncarbohydratecyclingridetraining

Why Honey is Important in Children Nutrition?

Published by Macedonian Honey in 01. Health · 13/10/2015 09:41:00
Tags: nutritionchildrenvitaminshealth
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