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Learn from the masters – 10 amazing quotes from amazing skiers

Published by Macedonian Honey in 10. Winter/summer sports · 25/1/2016 11:46:00
Tags: alpineskiingNorwayBodeMillerLindseyVonnTinaMazeTedLigetyMikaelaShiffrinHermannMaierAlbertoTombaKimReichhelmJeanClaudeKillyMarcelHirscherApollo17

History of Skiing: It started over 5000 years ago. Pre-historic Nordic people invented skiing to assist hunting, and as a snow transport for themselves. The skis were like two pieces of wood, and were tied into the foot with a rope. The word ski comes from the old norse (nordic people language) word “skio”, that means “split piece of wood”.

The modern Ski design was developed by a man called Sondre Nordheim in 1850. Downhill skiing grew from cross-country skiing somewhere in the early 1700s. Alpine skiing was first introduced to the Olympics in 1936.

Skiing is one of the fastest non-motorized sports on land. Italian skier Simone Origone currently holds the world record for the fastest downhill ski, with a 156.2 miles/hour!

Harrison Schmitt, a crew member of the space shuttle Apollo 17, said that astronauts should learn the art of cross-country skiing. For him, the technique involved in skiing helped displacements on the moon by sliding on the surface. Indeed, using a sliding toe-push technique he reached 7mph, the fastest speed recorded on the lunar surface.

We present you a list of 10 awesome quotes from extraordinary skiers.

   I'm still having fun and as long as skiing is enjoyable, I'm going to continue to do it.
     Bode Miller

It's hard to give tips to skiers if I don't know how they ski, but I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
         Lindsey Vonn

I've learned that maybe sometimes it's better to show people who you are and what you are thinking about. That way, you can be more relaxed with yourself.
        Tina Maze
You've just got to get in the starting gate and throw down whatever you've got.
        Ted Ligety
It’s a good lesson that no matter how good you are, you can’t take your foot off the gas. We’re all here to inspire the rest of the world with our sport, and that’s exactly what I’m planning to do.
        Mikaela Shiffrin
I still have more to fight for in the coming years.
        Hermann Maier
I am a beast!
        Alberto Tomba
A lot of people feel so empowered by their ski experience that it carries into the rest of their lives. That’s a very cool thing to do just by doing a sport I love.
       Kim Reichhelm
To win you have to risk loss.
        Jean-Claude Killy
Nothing is worth putting my health on the line. Not a camera, not a title, nothing.
        Marcel Hirscher

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