Why Honey is Important in Children Nutrition? - Blog - Macedonian Honey

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Why Honey is Important in Children Nutrition?

Published by Macedonian Honey in 01. Health · 13/10/2015 09:41:00
Tags: nutritionchildrenvitaminshealth

The earliest information on using honey in children nutrition is dated to about 9 century BC. Ancient Germanic people gave milk combined with honey and melted butter. 

Child's organism needs high-calorie foods, because of its growth and agility. It is well-known that children are fond of sweet dainties- intuitive tendency to compensate the loss of energy. Honey, rich in calories and vitamins, is valuable for a young organism harmonic development and health maintenance.

Honey facilitates potassium and magnesium assimilation. Dark sorts of honey increase haemoglobin amount in blood, improve appetite and make children feel well. 

Honey fructose is metabolised better that milk lactose. Honey is used for curing infections, constipation, nausea etc. Also honey has laxative properties. Digestive systems of the children who are fed on honey works wonderfully, children have good appetite.

Some sorts of fragrant honey have sedative effect on nervous children who fall asleep soon after they take some honey. But one must see to it not to give a child too much honey as honey in large amounts can cause disgust.

Although honey seems like a wholesome and natural food to give your infant, don't do it until after she's at least 12 months old. Honey can contain spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum, which can germinate in a baby's immature digestive system and cause infant botulism, a rare but potentially fatal illness. These spores are usually harmless to adults and children over 1 year old, because the microorganisms normally found in the intestine keep the bacteria from growing.To be on the safe side, don't cook with honey (in baked bread or pudding, for example) if your baby is going to be eating the finished dish.

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